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quarantine: so what the f*ck now?

Writer's picture: J MalloydJ Malloyd

Updated: May 16, 2022

The energy of the mind is the essence of life - Aristotle

So. Where do I begin? The past few weeks have been nothing short of a complete shift in what we've known as normal. I don't think any of us saw this coming or were even remotely prepared. Initially, I was at a loss and didn't know wtf to do. As many of you are college students, you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say this was just... a lot to deal with. From having to come home, to classes transitioning to online, life hit a complete 180.

We could focus on the negatives all-day, but if we're being honest, this is just "what it is" right now. So we must concentrate on how to make an unideal situation work for our best interest.

If I can be honest, this has been one of the most peaceful & productive periods of my life (mentally, physically, and spiritually). One reason for this is because I believe the Universe literally had to FORCE us all to sit our butts down somewhere.

I am not overworking myself.

I am not depriving myself of rest.

I am giving my body what she needs.

Change isn't easy, but it is necessary for progress.

I've been my most motivated (in everything but schoolwork lol), creative, and (weirdly enough) at peace; and I can attribute that all to myself allowing room for submission to the will of the world. Whatever happens, will happen, and it's important in this time to focus on controlling what you can control and letting everything else fall into place.

Here are a few things I have been focusing on to keep myself sane.

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Now, more than ever, you have the time to listen to your body. Your body is constantly talking to you and telling you what it needs in different ways. Whether that be sleep, hydration, food, etc. LISTEN TO IT! You have the time now to really invest in your body. I mean, we could all benefit from a little working out, right?

I started running a mile every other day and doing interval training or yoga on the off days, with a light half a mile jog. It's helped me give my body the workout it needs, but not only that, I've given it the time in the sun it needs! Running is an amazing full-body workout, that requires no equipment; just head outside. During a run, every portion of your body is being activated and you're burning calories!

Running might not be your thing but something is. Find your thing! Yoga, walking, high-intensity interval workouts, ab workouts, the list goes on & on. Give your body the release it needs. The benefits of working out are never-ending, but a few are: the release of negative endorphins through sweating, it helps your memory, helps to promote new cell growth, and it improves multi-tasking and planning skills.

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We literally have no choice, other than to tackle our thoughts now. Much harder to ignore all those things you're thinking about when you're sitting in your house all day, huh?

Develop some form of release. Journaling & meditation have been instrumental in boosting my mental health during this time. Journaling helps me to compartmentalize my thoughts and emotions. There are so many benefits to it as well! The cool thing about journaling is that there's no wrong way to do it. Morning, noon, or night; just make time to write something down throughout the day, as many times a day as you want!

Now, meditation is no easy task. I have been practicing meditation for about 5 to 6 months now and I still get frustrated or allow my mind to wander sometimes. Meditation has helped with my anxiety and mindfulness in a multitudinous amount of ways. Hear me out...I am a restless person who hates sitting down and being idle for too long, but through meditation, I’ve had to learn that sitting for 5-10 minutes, where I focus my breathing, and mindfulness is a major key to my mental success. Apps like Balance & Headspace are amazing for beginners and easing you into guided mediation.

Lastly, manifestation. Ask anyone: the law of attraction & I are best friends. It is paramount that you reset your mentality if you want to see a productive change in your life. Manifestation is all about envisioning everything you want for your life and claiming it. If you believe it, you can achieve it.

Start simply by changing your speech...

(in the future) "I want to" - "I will"

"I should" - "I am going to"

99% of the growing process has to do with your mind.

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Since we're bound to our beds & couches, that means more eating at home. This has given us the chance to focus on realigning our bodies from the inside out. Now, in my household, I really don't have a choice but to eat healthily. BUT, I have been so focused on making healthy eating a withstanding habit in my life.

What you put in your body is what you get out of it. So again, pay attention to your body! Many health issues we face start with our diet. Take the time on your next grocery run to focus on the perimeter of the grocery store. If you've been to any grocery store, you'll notice the refrigerated foods are kept along the perimeter (because they're fresh and need refrigeration to stay eatable!) and heavily processed foods go in the aisles. Try to get the bulk of your groceries from the perimeter, as a start of being more mindful of what you put in your body.

As I've been focusing on my diet, I have already noticed so many changes in how I feel. I have been cutting out red meat, reducing my gluten intake, and little to no dairy (cheese & ice cream...I just can't let go of, sorry). My body feels lighter and I have much more energy.

Fruit & a glass of hot lemon water every morning are an easy way to start to process of eating better! Fruits obviously are natural sugars, so they'll energize you for the day. Hot lemon water has SO many benefits when it is the first thing you drink. From promoting hydration, improving skin quality, aiding digestion to support a healthy gut, and freshening your breath!

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Many of us are adjusting to online classes, which is nothing short of a pain in my arse. Also, many of us have had our jobs transition to an online format, which again, not fun. At all. Still having deadlines to meet and having constant work thrown at you can be hard, especially when you're stuck in one space. But remember to make time for your creative outlets.

We all have one. This blog, for instance, is one of mine. Allowing myself to be creatively productive in a way that feels natural to me, is such a necessity during this time! I have been making mood boards and styling outfits like crazy, just for fun. It is so important to nurture that aspect of your mind.

For some, music is a release for tension and stress & it allows many people to feel less stressed and "cluttered." Take the time to maybe edit your playlists, or find some new artists to listen to. Maybe you enjoy art? Paint, draw, sketch, get a coloring book for goodness sake and release.

Maybe you have a creative venture you've been envisioning but haven't had the time to really focus on. Now is the time to begin bringing it to fruition. Don't feel pressured to push everything out all at once, but allow yourself to at least get started!

This time is far from easy, but I've got faith in the divine plan that everything happens for a reason. Take your lemons and make some lemonade. I'm rooting for you.



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