“Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place.” ― Mandy Hale
"Raise your hand if you're about to pull every last piece of hair out of your scalp." We've all been there, or you're there right now. Stress and frustration in yourself are perfectly normal and natural emotions, even though they suck. In today's society, with everything that gets thrown at you on a daily basis, it can get hard to operate when you're in those spaces of worry and self-doubt. It's no fun feeling like this but here are a few things to remember when you get in a rut.

Stop Comparing: Be You
- In the world we live in, with social media & the internet as prevalent as it is, we can get caught up in a cycle of comparison. When you're constantly seeing what looks like, perfect people, with perfect lives, it's easy to look at yourself and pick out all the things in you, that don't mimic what you're seeing. Comparison is the thief of all joy. Your power is simply the fact that there has never been, nor will there ever be, another you. You possess traits and ideas that no one else can duplicate. Trust yourself.
Patience is a Virtue
- I know, I know, I wish I were a millionaire already too. You know how your mom's home-cooking taste way better than that microwave TV dinner you're forced to eat in your dorm? That's because there's way more effort and nurturing put into it. No one said life was gonna be easy, but good things take time. If you aren't where you want to be right in this moment, look at it from a different perspective: if you recognize this, that means you're one step closer to your goal. As long as you are actively working towards your tangible and intangible goals, you're doing great sweetie.
Don't Take the Easy Way Out
- Would it be WAY easier to just roll over in bed and hope you find a sugar daddy/mama to take care of you the rest of your life? Absolutely, we've all considered it (I'm still considering it TBH). Alas, nothing good ever came easy. That feeling of pride that comes when something that you've worked hard on comes to fruition, is a feeling like no other. It definitely isn't easy waking up early, staying up til 5 AM, forcing yourself to eat healthy, or continuously not responding to that one person's text messages; but it's necessary. KEEP GOING! Genuinely make the effort to work your very hardest, because the "fake it til" you make it mentality will only carry you so far.

Trust the Process
- Think about it, if you never went through all your experiences, you would never be the person you are today. Our life experiences mold us into who we are. You don't take crap from anyone because your older brothers kicked your butt everyday when you were little, right? The same goes for all the mental, spiritual, and emotional qualities you possess. Learn to be grateful for the molding and shaping process, because we all know for a fact, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
So go ahead, put on a face mask, play some Rihanna or some trap music and remember who you are. You're human! An incredible one, at that. Love every part of yourself, even the parts that get on your nerves. It's all for a reason. Just keep swimming.